Agronomic Baseline Assessment
Agronomic Baseline Assessments is a documented 'snapshot' of a property including a snapshot of the property as it stands pre-leasing period.
This service allows the land owner to have documented conditions of the property in question from a nominated date. Our condition reports can be used to monitor the progress or decline in the land asset over the term lease. Agronomic Baseline Assessments can be used to identify key production areas that can be improved on the property and can also create target benchmarks relating to production that need to be achieved during the tenure.
The PY Agronomy Process
PY Agronomy offers an independent assessment of the property from a production sense. We use our experience and contacts to create a paddock-by-paddock assessment of the property.
With appropriate supporting data, we present this information in a report that is primarily used as an information resource for both the land owner and the potential lessee of the property. The supporting paperwork and reports are created from a mining company or corporate-owned landowner perspective as a reference to maintain or grow the capital value of the current land asset. The report also includes capability scope for each paddock's potential land use.
When would you need this service?
​An Agronomic Baseline Assessment would be pertinent for:
Land or property owners that are leasing, renting and agisting land — as land that is commonly rented or leased quite often, can result in degradation of land or the asset value
When a resource company has previously accessed the land to drill a pilot hole
When cattle are returned that were elsewhere on agistment
Our baseline report provides all parties a starting point of the condition of the property and forms the base for a contract between the two parties.
We’ve been at the forefront of Agronomic Baselines Assessments in the Central West
In recent years, we have conducted agronomic baseline assessments on behalf of several corporate-owned land. Our services have involved:
Audit of the existing land asset from an agronomic perspective
Documenting current species in paddocks — desirable and undesirable
Soil testing of individual paddocks
Designing a soil nutrient program to improve soil health and production levels
Establishing benchmark targets for essential soil nutrients
Identifying production limitations by the paddock and designing improvement programs to correct those deficiencies
Developing land classes and identifying the most suitable enterprises that can be conducted on those paddocks or properties based on soil type, topography and rainfall infrastructure
Establishing stocking rate targets
Managing ground cover and minimising soil degradation via overgrazing
Weed control programs include identification, trials and contractor liaison
Community involvement — agronomic support for local landholders, trial demonstrations, speaking and publications
Why choose us?
Partnering with PY Agronomy means receiving a skilled and experienced professional service. Our detailed reports provide clear and precise information that can be easily interpreted by all parties. Scientific data is presented in a colour-coded format so that you don’t need to be an agricultural specialist to understand the data and make an informed decision.
Corporate businesses may not have the skill set to manage or understand asset value. We provide a link between the land owner and the occupier by establishing a framework that will maintain and potentially improve the land asset's capital value and production capability.
In conjunction with the land owner, we can provide:
Benchmark targets for soil health
Land capability assessment
Stocking rate targets
Land degradation minimisation
Monitoring tools — such as imagery work via satellite or drone
Tendering documents and processes
Auditing processes